Platform Release

The June 2020 Release - Android & iOS Apps

Iaroslav Kudritskiy
June 30, 2020

Whoosh, this year is going by in a flash, it’s already June! Hard to believe half the year has gone by already. It’s summer and we’ll all be spending more time outside - even if it’s just in our local park, so we’re making it easier to answer messages on the go.

In this release we’re announcing:

Android & iOS Apps

Yes, the Android & iOS apps are here. This was our most upvoted feature request ever and it took some time to complete. A big thank you to everyone that stuck with us and helped with testing. The apps are available on the Apple App Store & Google Play Store now.

It’s important to remember, these apps are designed to be companions to the platform. We’ve included the Dashboard, Contacts, Messages & Settings to make it possible to answer messages, add teammates & more all on the go.

For now, New Message push notifications will work like emails. When inactive and a new message comes in, you’ll receive a new message notification. If you remain inactive you’ll receive another notification after an hour then one more after 24 hours.

Other notifications like Contact Assigned & Comment Mention are shown every time the event occurs. In the near future, we’ll update notifications across desktop and mobile. We’d love to see your upvotes and comments in the Notifications Feature Request.

Bits & Bobs

Although we’ve been hard at work on getting the apps ready, we’ve still managed to make a few small improvements to the platform in this release.

Facebook Channel Seen Status

Messages sent by contacts over Facebook Messenger were instantly marked as seen, even though no platform users had reviewed the message. The default behavior has been changed and messages will only be marked as seen once a response is sent.

Automatic Contact Assignment Failure

We’ve noticed that Automatic Contact Assignment Failures are not transparent. Auto Assignment can fail when no users are online. We’ve added Contact Assignment Failure in Chat Events so it’s apparent when Auto Assignment has failed.

For a concise version of our new features as well as technical improvements please review our changelog.

Iaroslav Kudritskiy
Chief Operating Officer
Iaroslav Kudritskiy is the Chief Operating Officer and co-founder of He is a graduate of the MBA program at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and his previous roles include positions at Kodak Alaris, Xaxis and Light Reaction.
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