Press Release

Rocketbots partners with Hong Kong CityU to bring AI to university students

Iaroslav Kudritskiy
December 9, 2017

Rocketbots Co-founder Gerardo Salandra visited the City University of Hong Kong to present to students how to build a chatbot in hopes of getting young minds interested in the hottest topic to hit the globe this decade. Lasting just 2 hours, CityU students were exposed to every step in the chatbot making processes with all the tools necessary to their disposal. The event soon broke out into smaller groups where students could try their hands at building their very own chatbots with tutoring from the Rocketbots team. A post-event survey found that 94% of the attendees believed that this would be a useful skill in the future, where AI chatbots become more prevalent on the web.

Rocketbots continues to host events just like this across Hong Kong every month after the release of the new Rocketbots Academy, a program that seeks to create fervor among the entrepreneurial communities by teaching attendees how to create their own chatbots from step one to done. It’s Rocketbot’s hope to become the most relevant thought leader on the topic in Hong Kong by creating an open-source, free, and community focused library of AI chatbot courses and tools that anyone can pick up.

Follow Rocketbots on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter to see when the next event is coming up.

Iaroslav Kudritskiy
Chief Operating Officer
Iaroslav Kudritskiy is the Chief Operating Officer and co-founder of He is a graduate of the MBA program at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and his previous roles include positions at Kodak Alaris, Xaxis and Light Reaction.
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